Saturday, 31 May 2014

22/52 2014

I promise myself, all of the time, that I am going to get photos of us together as a family. Part of the reasoning behind me doing this 52 project. But then time passes and it does not happen. That is, until we go on holiday and act all touristy and ask strangers to take our photo. It happened not once, but twice during our week in Melbourne.

Last year Jodi inspired me to pick up my camera and turn the focus inward. This year I have opted to continue with the series as I feel there are still so many family stories to be told through photos. So I will continue to Link up with Jodi  (the artist formerly known as Che & Fidel now Practising Simplicity) for the 52 Project.


  1. I never get into the picture. Myself or with Dominic, I'm not sure what my deal is. But I have to say you all looks so rad, especially against that awesome wall.

  2. You should put yourself in the pic! You are part of Dominics story, so you need to be just as present as he is.

  3. I feel the same way…we have thousands of photos of C but very few photos of all three of us.
    I especially love that first photo…great shot!

  4. We need to ask random strangers more often!

  5. family photos are really a treasure, hey? i ususally hate being in front of the camera, but when i look back in my archives and find pictures with me in them, i kind of love that, you know?

  6. Why is it so many women hate being in front of the camera? Myself included. Yet then we love seeing images of the 'whole' family?

  7. Wild & Grizzly2 June 2014 at 12:13

    Really like the family capture and all the colour. x

  8. Thanks, the wall is in Melbourne from one of the graffiti alleys.

  9. I dunno, in my case it's prolly because i'm super critical of my appearance, and i noticed any perceived flaw. i was just listening to a freakenomics podcast yesterday and they were talking about this idea. We have a level of "expertise" regarding our selves that we expect everyone else shares. basically we that we all think everyone has the same degree of familiarity with ourselves and our physical flaws, when in actuality people don't really notice. i'm using that as courage to get in front of the camera, maybe?? here comes more selfies on instagram hahaha.


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