Friday, 28 February 2014

9/52 2014

On Thursday we had our family day. (Justin and I rarely get a day off together on the week-end often both of us working either one of the days, so we make a point of having one day off during the week that is "our Day" our family day)

We went to Movie World for the day, got to use those season passes more...

Justin and I took turn in sharing his camera. Then at the end of the day we look at the images, which made me realise I spent a good portion of the day crammed into the kids rides.

Last year Jodi inspired me to pick up my camera and turn the focus inward. This year I have opted to continue with the series as I feel there are still so many family stories to be told through photos. So I will continue to Link up with Jodi  (the artist formerly known as Che & Fidel now Practising Simplicity) for the 52 Project.


  1. Bronwyn Bassett1 March 2014 at 15:23

    What agreat way to spend time as a family...good idea sharing the camera a round. xx

  2. Gorgeous as always, I love the peek into everyday life that your series is Julie!

  3. There are always 100times more images of Jarvis and Justin, but I do try to remember to include myself in our family history

  4. Other than on the the odd occasion I try to keep these images for this series as unpossed and unthought through as possible. Random collection of images that equal true memories.

  5. Krysta Paramithi2 March 2014 at 12:30

    You look stunning!!!!!

  6. Thank you :) I say as I blush... I sux at receiving compliments.


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