Wednesday, 26 February 2014


Let them do it themselves. Ever heard of self paced weaning? How about self paced toilet training? Hmm I had never heard of it until I had my son.

Jarvis has always been a stubborn child, determined to do things his way. It is very hard to get him to do things he does not want to do. The opposite also applies, once he sets his mind to something, there is no stopping him.

At fourteen months of age, Jarvis pretty much opted to use the toilet at home. Justin and I bought a toilet seat, and bar for a few mishaps, Jarvis has used the toilet at home for the past year.

In the last couple of months I have stopped putting a nappy on him when we do small trips out of the house. I know it sounds lazy on my behalf, but Jarvis likes to pee...often! One trip to do the grocery shop can equal two to three dashes for the loo. So on long car rides and for things when I don't know if we can access a toilet with ease we revert to the nappy.

Today, on our family day off, we went to Movie World. I put a nappy on Jarvis for the car ride, then we left it on thinking it would be easier on the rides. But, no. Jarvis had other ideas. On the dodgem cars he stops and signifies he has to wee. Apparently he now refuses to use a nappy.

Yes this is great, but who would have thought a twenty six month old child who choose when and where to stop using nappies?


  1. It's so great when they do that! Mine were more like two then they expressed an interest in toilet training. Chereena still needed a nappy at night till she was nearly 3. Amii was a little better I think.

  2. Jarvis is still wearing a nappy a night, but it is a fight to get it on him, he shakes his head and says no, problem is it is soaked in the morning, so I know he still needs it

  3. Children sure do have a mind of their own! So great that he has been using the toilet at home since 14 months. But sounds tricky trying to get him to wear a nappy when it needs it!

  4. Jarvis has never liked a wet or dirty nappy. Always got very fussy about it. Made him super easy to toilet train.

  5. Krysta Paramithi2 March 2014 at 13:05

    This is amazing! Nereus doesn't seem to be ready yet....I wonder when?

  6. Each child has their own pace. Jarvis walked extra early and it seems to have toilet trained himself. Yet he is not a big talker. So I think each child is unique and travels at their own pace. But I am LOVING no nappies!

  7. I know!! How did I end up with him??? I don't deserve such great kids

  8. Krysta Paramithi5 March 2014 at 04:57

    Definitely! But I can't wait to love no nappies!

  9. One week into to no nappies and so far no accidents! OMG! I love this

  10. Krysta Paramithi10 March 2014 at 09:54

    Really? No accidents? Yay for you people!!!


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