Thursday, 5 September 2013


In just under a week we will begin the arduous process of moving to another home. While this house, our little Cupcake House, came with many an issue, it will be more than missed by me.

In this home we became a family and welcomed Jarvis into the world. He connects all of us in so many ways. But, also in this home I became a gardener. Because of the mess of the above-ground pool that the owners kept saying they would remove, yet did not, as you can read about here and here, and here, and here, even here is you do not have a weak tummy. I became a gardener.

Dad was always taking over ever back yard, in every house we lived in, with his garden plots, providing the family with fresh organic crops. This time, it was my turn. My turn to nourish the earth and in return it gave us produce that not only filled our bellies, it was healthy, organic and it saved us money.

Because the coming days will be filled with packing I think today was the last day I will get to enjoy the feel of the dirt in my hands. I know we will be leaving my gardens in a week, but I want to have once last dig, once last weeds and trim. One last chance to forget stress. Once last chance to say goodbye to my gardens.

We are only moving about 10/15 minutes away, I wonder if the new owners would mind me popping over to tend to my garden and get produce for dinner?


  1. I wish you could take it with you.

    1. So do I!!! Is there such a thing as a garden removalist?

  2. It is so sad that you can't pack it up and bring it along with you to the new place!
    Whoever moves in is so lucky! I hope it inspires them to get their hands dirty and maintain the garden.

    1. Dad and I joked about digging it up and putting it in the trailer and taking it with us. It is not my house, but I do hope it gets sold to someone who will love it and give the old girl a facelift.

  3. My that's hard to leave!!!!! x

    1. Especially at this time of the year when the garden is just about to produce the spring crop

  4. What a shame, it all looks so lush and delicious. Wish youx could take it with you, too.x

    1. I just hope someone gets to enjoy all of the food it is producing, seems like such a waste if someone does not eat it all

  5. Are you going to be able to garden at your new place? Despite having to leave, just think of all the new adventures at your new place :)

    1. Yes! I can have a garden at the new place!! Starting all over again....

  6. Looks like a lovely garden. What a score for the new residents.

  7. Ahhhh that is so sad, what a perfect little garden to leave behind! I have really wanted to have my own vegetable patch too, but I also rent so although I thought about doing it at one point I decided it would just be too sad to leave it behind when we up and move. Hopefully you are able to start a new garden that is just as nice :)

    1. Everyone told me I was crazy to build this garden in a rental. And those same people also loved accepting fresh food off me! Don't tell anyone, but I am already planning on my next garden in our new home.


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