Monday, 17 November 2014


We arrived into Nambucca late afternoon. We unpacked, Jarvis had a nap and Justin went to meet the clients. I was going to read, but spent more time "peaking", okay sticky beaking out the window at the neighbours.

Am I the only one that makes up full stores about people you see? Because the caravan park was on the average side, my characters were all very interesting. Okay, you tell me what story you would make up about this one? Character One: Caucasian male, hard to guess age as he looked as if he had a very rough life, my guess was 50ish. Long grey ponytail mullet. Numerous tattoos including face, neck and head. Wearing torn jeans, and leather vest. Large protruding belly. Had a long neck in one hand (for non-Australians this is a tall beer bottle in a brown paper bag), and was attempting to hang up washing on the communal line in the other hand.

Well, he kept me entertained for a while. But, when Jarvis woke up we opted to go for a walk. This is when I discovered even though we were staying on the dodgy side of Nambucca, it was a short walk to the beautiful side.

The waterway boardwalk is fantastic. We walked from our accommodation to Quota Park. After a Thai takeaway dinner, I thought all three of us should do the walk again at night. Because of daylight saving in NSW we left the cabin around 6pm and did not get back until well after 8pm. 

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