No not that magic, the other.
You know the mythical thing every new parent chases? When their child sleeps
through the night.
Up until we moved into this
house Jarvis woke every night, some times every hour or so. Plus his naps were
hard. It was a fight to get him to nap, and then when he woke he was
groggy and cranky. However, when we moved into this new house, like magic, Jarvis
slept through the night! Oh the pure joy of a an unbroken night's sleep. Naps
were also easy, as long as you followed the routine.
The magic has gone. Jarvis is
back to waking up during the night, and will only sleep in what I call the neck
scarf position or cradled in my arms. Exhaustion has returned. Along
with the discomfort or having a foot in my face and handfuls of hair
pulled out. (Jarvis likes to twirl my hair in his sleep)
The only thing I can connect
it to, is that I started part time work. Today when I was at work Justin tried
to get Jarvis to take a nap. But when Justin tried, Jarvis screamed like he was
being poked with a hot poker. So you think, tonight, bed time would be easy?
No, we had a hypo child on our hands, and only went to sleep with me cuddling
him and gently talking to him. Like my son I go into over tired awake mood,
hence why I am blogging this late at night instead of sleeping. So in part I
know why he was so hypo tonight.
Have any other Mums/parents
had issues when the change from being a stay at home parent to working parent
occurred? Any advise for a very over tired me?