Wednesday, 20 November 2013


Matt Leasegang, what do you say about a talented boy, with an infectious smile and an open and generous heart? Matt is a local Brisbane photographer who is helping to fight cancer one ride at a time. Anyone who knows me, and my family know it is a fight very close to my heart (Love you Dad).  I had the pleasure of interviewing Matt, and I would love to share this with everyone.

When did you first start riding a bike and what helped develop your passion?
The cycling began in 2011, A few of my friends Brad Marshall and Nicholas Granger had been hounding me to get a fixie (fixed gear/track bike) and I caved in and bought my first bike, a 1970’s vintage Hoffy. She’s a beautiful copper bike, I’ve taken it through hell and back and it’s never let me down. I love it. The passion for cycling took off after we setup a Sunday social ride and created a group “becausefixie”. Through the group, I met an array of interesting characters, namely one Kai McIntyre, the reason I’m now involved with the RTCC and the Vision Crusaders; His words were “Come do four charity rides with me, it’ll be fun”. I said “Yep, ok”. That’s how it all started.

Can you tell us why you started the RTCC, plus what RTCC is?
I guess I better start with what the RTCC is. The RTCC Stands for The Ride To Conquer Cancer. It is a charity ride that is 200km of cycling over 2 days, where you camp overnight with other people who have raised a minimum of $2,500 each!! The ride is run in 5 Locations in Australia and 1 in New Zealand, and originated in Canada and has a base in many countries in the world. Initially it was a way for me to have some fun, do a ride, raise some money and meet new people. My grandfather died of a Pulmonary carcinoma (Lung Cancer) and had emphysema and asbestosis from serving many years in the navy. After completing the Brisbane ride this year, my good friend and team leader Klaus Bartosch ( was diagnosed with Leukaemia, an ironic blow considering what he started.

Do you just ride for RTCC? Or do you ride with other groups?
I’m very lucky to say I’m involved with a group called the Vision Crusaders ( We’re doing this crazy thing called the “Grand Slam” and nationally we’ve raised over $300,000 for cancer research this year alone. Next year, we’re going to be bigger and better! 

Besides your obvious love of your bike and redheads, what are your other passions?
The main passion in my life? Photography. I love it. I will confess, I’ve been lazy the last 12-18 months and haven’t pushed my work or really engaged in pursuing it too actively though that’s about to change pretty rapidly over the next few months. I let cycling take over my life but now it’s time to pick the camera up and get back into it.

I’d like to make mention to a few of the following places if possible: – For all their support, continual updates to their 500K+ Followers on both Instagram and Facebook and for making us look bad-ass!
My Supportive Friends for donating so much money and for doing everything they could to ensure I got to the rides.
Kauri Sports – For the awesome Jersey design, we stand out in a crowd, and we couldn’t have done it without you!
and finally, to Klaus Bartosch, the man who started the Vision Crusaders and the reason I now ride! Kick Cancers ass! See you on the bike soon!

Matt can be found on his website: Matt Leasegang Photgraphy  
On his personal facebook page: MattLeasegang
His professional facebook page: MattLeasegang
Also to donate towards his next ride : RTTC

Please Note: Images are copyright of Pat Brunet