Sunday, 5 August 2012


Eight months (and one day ago) you were in my tummy. Now you have spent almost as much time outside, as inside of me.  Yet, somehow, you are still very attached to me. Or is it that I am very much attached to you? For 40 weeks we called you Dim Sim, and waited to meet you.

Now you are Jarvis. From the moment you came screaming out of my tummy you have been a little man with a big personality.

It is like every day you change. In front of me, you have changed from a tiny little bubba to a chubby toddler. You sat up early, but still have not learnt to roll over, crawl, or walk. It could be because you hate tummy time. But you are such an active little man. You love the “Jolly Jumper, and to walk around the house when I hold you under your arms.

Everything goes in your mouth; you are such a curious little soul. You are so much more aware of yourself and of your surroundings. You love your food and have a good appetite, but you would, and constantly do, choose breast over solids.

Music and dancing never fail to make you happy, and THAT ABC song, well I have lost count of how many times I have heard that. You love to sing, even more than you love to chatter. Each week you will find a new noise to make with your mouth, and we delight in repeating it back to you as it never fails to make you grin and repeat it back to us.

I enjoy every moment with you, even when you are screaming to be held.  I did not think I could love anyone as much as I love your sister. But now, I live everyday for you. I hate being apart from you, even for a moment.

I love to gush over you; from the top of your sweaty little boy’s head when you sleep, to your big feet. I constantly call out to your Daddy, or to your big sister “Quick! Come and look at Jarvis.”

If your smiles melt me, I cannot even begin to explain how your laugh will make my day. I even like it when you cry, the way your bottom lip drops down and the curls. Not that I can let you cry, I weaken the moment you do, which could explain why for the last three months you have slept with us in the bed.

Now you hold out your arms to be picked up and you give the best cuddles, snuggling in laying your head on my heart, or reaching your face up for kisses. Kisses.... hmmm, it seems as if I can never kiss you enough. 


  1. Jarvis is one classy kid. Love that smile!

    1. Thanks for stopping by. We love that smile as well, melts our hearts.

  2. This is the bomb Jules!! Beautiful, beautiful :)
    SO thrilled for the family you've created: such a well-deserved triumph Sweetheart, and I'm so proud to call you my friend :)
    Love always, xxx

    1. In fact you have something to do with the birth of Jarvis... if you had not given me the courage to date, and fall in love with, Justin, then Jarvis would not have been born! If I believed in godmothers, you would be Jarvis's.

  3. Such an adorable little baby! good work!

  4. Oh he's just adorable! Happy 8 months little man. Kellie xx

  5. Aaaww baby smiles are always the best smiles :)

  6. the picture showed he was just arrived to this world is the most touching picture.


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