Wednesday, 17 April 2013


As I got Justin to remove the bandaids off my stitches last night, I was thinking “who is weird enough to be allergic to sticky bandages? Oh wait that weirdo is me!” I can be mildly allergic, to highly allergic to the adhesive in bandaids. At its worse it causes welts, itching, blisters, and oozing. According to a doctor, it’s not just the latex, but some sort of gel used in the plastic type of adhesives.

I have passed this oddity on to Tamika, and we find the only type we can use is the surgical paper; however this has to be moved on a regular rotation. So when ever I have anything that needs to be covered, I normally end up in more pain from the covering than the original wound. Oh, you should have seen my C-section, the plastic covering they put on that was such a blistery bubbly joy to observe.

I have also passed onto Tamika my allergic reaction to garlic. Depending on the amount of garlic in a dish I can get reactions from swollen tongue and lips, to swollen glands with difficulty in swallowing.

I am lucky that they are both minor and easy for me to contain, on myself and as a parent for Tamika. I am sure there are a lot of people far worse off than me. Both of these allergies have left me wondering will Jarvis also inherit them. When do I test him? What allergies do you and your children have and how do you control them? 

NOTE: I normally do not like showing my boobs on the internet, but wanted to show my reaction. Please ignore the boobs and just look at the skin.

NOTE: I got three moles removed; this is why I have stitches

NOTE: I am aware Bandaids is a brand; however I have used this generic Australian term for all adhesive bandages.

NOTE: Yes that is mashed vegetable smeared on me and my singlet, I am so glamorous.

This post could also be used as a friendly reminder to get regular skin check ups and always, always Slip Slop Slap! I tried to remember how many moles I have had removed but lost count around thirty.


  1. ouchies and yes every-one please slip slop slap, especially on young children but we're all at risk here, get well soon

    1. I grew up with a Mum who thought it was healthy to have a tan, so encouraged us as kids to get lots of sun. (Even my freckly little sister). I have spent the last 30 years of my life covering up. But a lot of the damage is already done.

  2. Ouch!! So sorry, I know that doesn't feel good. =( I just wanted to say that the matching PJ pics of your son and daughter are so precious. As you saw, I love doing that too. =)

    1. It feels sooo itchy. I also like to tease Tamika, by when we are going out to dress Jarvis in something that matches her.

  3. Me and Nereus are allergic to nothing as long as I know. But his dad has some kind of allergy and we don't know what. Reading to this post made me think that he can be allergic to anything! It's the first time I hear a bandage allergy!

    1. It is a strange/stupid allergy. But it will make me nervous the first time I have to put a bandaid on Jarvis. My Mum, little sister, Tamika and myself are all allergic to garlic, took me years to figure it out. But since cutting it out of my diet I feel so much better. You should get your partner tested, it may be something simple that is easily cut from his diet

  4. I'm allergic to bandaids and steristrips too! When I have my breast reduction there was a whole painful issue there. I also have a minor allergy to bananas and avocados but after also developing a problem with cabbage I think it's actually an allergy to the gas that they use on them.
    Eve has a milk protein and beef allergy so I have to read every label before giving her something and I avoid eating out.

  5. im on the skin check...mole removal...dry ice blasting roundabout too. loved my sunny beachgoing childhood but my skin sure didn't. my dad passed away from melanoma so we are all super careful around here....biggest wake up call ever. my kids and I cant put any kind of plaster on either...for the last knee scrape I resorted to gauze and washi tape. x

    1. Another bunch of weirdos with bandaid allergies. Maybe it is not so weird after all? I am so careful now, better late than never, but they say it can take up to twenty years for damage from sunburnt to show up on your skin. Sorry to hear about your Dad

  6. My dad is allergic to Band-Aids too. He had something removed on his arm not too long ago, and when he took the bandages off, it looked like that too.

    1. I never knew there were as many people as weird as me!


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