Sunday, 30 September 2012


Justin has found himself a new girlfriend.

Today they went off an adventure together.

A cordial meeting for salutations and idle chit-chat, then saddle-up for a leisurely show-off through the city to Park Rd Milton, where we shall wow the fillies with our distinguished attire and fine machinery. We shall then sally-forth for a stately jaunt up Mt Coot-tha before resting for a spot of tea and more admiration from the general populace.

For more images, and the link to their Facebook page visit

Ranga and Justin now spend many happy moments together...


  1. your boyfriend is adorable! And my mister has a girlfriend too. Her name is 09 Harley Dyna :)

    1. Is it a new love for your man? Justin has only had Ranga a couple of weeks and he loves her so much!

  2. Looking very shmick on the bike there -- nothing like a jaunty adventure to get your weekend happening. My husband drives a dirty old ute though. Not much jauntiness happening there sadly.

    1. Can't say I have ever thought of ute drivers being jaunty, more, well more Aussie bloke.


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