Friday, 21 September 2012


Some weeks, life gets in the way of the best made plans. My plans of sewing one garment a week, preferably from recycled fabrics, just didn’t happen this week. All I managed was to find a skirt from an op-shop for under $5, and sew on the button it was missing. This has kinda summed up my week. 

With Justin working every day, and then each night this week he had something, gym, photo shoot of Macy Gray... I didn't even get a shot of me in the skirt. Can't believe Macy Gray came before me! 

I did find four dresses in my op-shopping ventures, four dresses that I think can begin again with a little adjustment, or a lot or adjustments. 

Each dress has no front opening, so need to adjust that to allow for feeding Jarvis. All are way too big for me. The bottom two, the pink is a ho-hum colour on me and the yellow, in the yellow/pink floral, makes me look jaundice. But I got all four for next to nothing, so happy to un-pick, re-fashion and maybe even dye. Any suggestions would be great. Oh, and some free time to sew would be even better.


  1. Ohhh lovely! I wish I was better with creating this way. I'm sure you'll come up with some amazing ways to alter those pretty dresses x

    1. Dress one almost done! Just have to think of options for the other three

  2. I am so glad I stopped by your blog! Ooh that skirt is so cute and I LOVE the dresses you picked up! I am sure you will be able to change them up to make things workable and fit you better! Can't wait to see how they turn out!

    1. Thank you for visiting. Fingers crossed the dresses alterations turn out.


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