Tuesday, 4 September 2012


Second day of spring, and Father's Day spent at the Botanical Gardens, the perfect day to wear this week's sewing project. A full circle skirt, with a black back-ground, and full of beautiful flowers.

Justin gave me a vintage dress a few years ago, I always loved the fabric, but the dress was always too small. Even now, after I have lost 10 kilos from my pre-pregnancy weight, it was still too small. Not sure who it would have ever fitted. Barbie? As the dress had a tiny waist and a huge bust area.

Since having Jarvis, I find myself dressing more and more, well sounds stupid for a 44 year old to say, but yes I am dressing more girly. The fuller skirts hide my weight loss and the tight waist shows off shape. Plus, Jarvis loves colour. His little eyes light up when ever I wear colour. OK, so this is still very black, but for me it is a huge change.

I slowly (read: wearing glasses sitting under a lamp) unpicked every seam in the dress. This was hard to do on a vintage dress with older frayed stitches. Then, the next part was simple; I made a full circle skirt and a basic waist band. I chose not to have a zip, but to use hook and eyes.

Footnote: My weight loss is something I normally do not wish to discuss; however, since I have mentioned it here I thought I would explain... It is a side effect of me being ill. I do not choose to lose weight, and do not normal discuss my weight and any one else's weight. But I have chosen not to take medication, so I can breastfeed, so I will continue to lose weight.


  1. I love the skirt. The fabric is beautiful. You sound like a great mom. Your son is adorable :)

    1. Thank you, the fabric is gorgeous. I try to be a good Mum, both my kids mean everything to me.

  2. You look totally gorgeous in that amazing skirt! I hope you're ok with your illness. Kellie xx


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